Read Comics!



Hey...I'd like you to answer one question...

How many e-books have you actually read??

Even without you answering...i would say that the number would not be huge. Right?? I mean its boring enough to read stuff on paper (lol) , who on earth actually has the patience to read it on a computer screen?? Reading miles and miles of endless text sitting upright was something that I definitely could not manage.

One day, when my cousin visited me, she gave me a bunch of "e-comics" of Garfield. Those that come on the newspaper everyday. She had them from the year 1978 to 2009 complete- all 365 (or 366) cartoons of one year in one file each!!

It was awesome...I read and read and read it..and before i knew..i had finished reading one year's comics!! That's about 10MB of data!!
This was what I did to get rid of my boredom for a while and I hope this'll work for you as well.

And its a good alternative to e-books!!

Here Goes:

You need to use mainly torrents for downloading these comics ( its illegal reading them for free)
An example torrent (Click on this)

And all these comics are in a type of file with a .cbr extension, and you need a decompressor to view it.
You can use this :
CDisplay comic reader

Alternately, if you want to watch them online and hate downloading torrents and stuff,
Check out these online cartoons

Now I understand that you might not be a big fan of Garfield, or might just be allergic to cat hair. In that case, there are e-comics of other popular characters and some not-so-popular characters as well!! I leave the browsing and searching part to...(you said you were bored).

But still, for the lazy bored: Click on this

Hopefully, this will do...for now!

2 Response to "Read Comics!"

  1. Anonymous says:

    Almost 60% of the books ive read was on an ebook reader (sometimes ipod too, desperate me...) :D

    BTW, you into guitars?

    Suraj says:

    You are a techie-dude ;) thats y u read so many e-books!!
    And No i dont play guitars :)

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